Title: Ghosts of the Past Rating: PG Fandom: X and classic Summary: A dream. A memory. An attack. X doesn't have any idea what he's gotten himself into. Sometimes you can't escape the past.
Title: Ghosts of the Past Rating: PG Fandom: X and classic Summary: A dream. A memory. An attack. X doesn't have any idea what he's gotten himself into. Sometimes you can't escape the past.
Title: Ghosts of the Past Rating: PG Fandom: X and classic Summary: A dream. A memory. An attack. X doesn't have any idea what he's gotten himself into. Sometimes you can't escape the past.
Title: Ghosts of the Past Rating: PG Fandom: X and classic Summary: A dream. A memory. An attack. X doesn't have any idea what he's gotten himself into. Sometimes you can't escape the past.